Teaching Mathematics for All Learners

Differentiating Mathematics Instruction

In this week's math class we were introduced to a few differentiation teaching strategies that can and should be implemented in the classroom.   But firstly, why differentiation?  Well, according to this weeks monograph, 'The Capacity Building Series', “differentiation is an organized yet flexible way of proactively adjusting teaching and learning to meet kids where they are and help them to achieve maximum growth as learners.” (Tomlinson, 1999) 
The old school way of teaching math was one style fits all, but this rote style format, preached practice and had students listening to lectures.  Where was the understanding of math at a deeper, more conceptual level?  Each student is unique and learns differently.  In order for teachers to meet this need, they need to take their students' prior knowledge, their zone of proximal development, and data using assessment for learning strategies into account when designing tasks.  
Retrieved from

Differentiate through Content: Open and Parallel Tasks

The two ways to differentiate teaching that we talked about in class were both open tasks and parallel tasks.  These tasks both involve choice for the student.  This is great because students become more engaged when they can help co-create questions, solve problems using their own strategy and choose how they interpret the meaning of a problem.  
A fantastic resource for guiding teachers how to differentiate math activities to allow all children to develop through the curriculum Big Ideas, is the book titled, 'Great Ways to Differentiate Mathematics Instruction'.  This book focuses on differentiating by using the open and parallel task methods.
I will definitely plan on using this resource as a teacher because these methods allow all students to participate in solving math questions, no matter what level they are in.  They are studying the same thing at the same time but can access the problems at different levels! 
                                                               An example of a parallel task:  
Retrieved from McEachren, P (2017)

The Process

This week we looked at structuring our own parallel tasks and scaffolding questions in small groups. This process of differentiation includes using manipulatives, collaborating with peers, and providing enough time to solve the questions.  As noted in the this weeks modules,  speed does not mean that a person is necessarily better at math than someone who takes their time processing the question at a slower pace.  In fact, the most famous mathematicians are slow thinkers! It is important for students to take their time in order to delve deeper in their understanding and make connections to the real world.
Scaffolding and common questions are a great way to help students think through math problems.  I found that trying to anticipate the barriers students may experience in solving problems, allows me to develop the appropriate scaffolding questions so that I can meet the needs of the student's different levels of development.
Retrieved from Math class, 2017, Sept 18
[Personal Image]

The Product

The gallery walk provided me with the opportunity to see which types of scaffolding and common questions my classmates developed for different math problems.  We were able to add comments on sticky notes to each groups chart paper.  It was helpful to see their comments and suggestions.  I will definitely use this method for my unit plan, as I develop my own math lessons.
This week's modules tie in nicely with differentiating teaching for all learners.  Gone are the days where students had to strictly follow one procedure in solving problems.  Today, solving math problems allows students to use different approaches, collaborate with peers and take time to better understand these problems that are not abstract but have meaning and are connected to our lives. Incorporating equity and social justice scenarios make these math problems real and engaging to students.

Until next time...........


  1. Hi Adrianna,

    Great job! Marian Small's resource for differentiating mathematics is a great tool to use in the classroom. I had the opportunity to use the text during my placement. I felt it gave me a great insight on formulating the right questions to help in the learning experience of all students. However, one aspect I wish I had used were parallel tasks. These open-ended questions are another great tool to use in a classroom to cater to the needs of all learners; providing a variety of levels of difficulty in the questions. This allows students to freely choose how they would like to challenge themselves; and what skills they will need to tackle the question. This approach helps students to strengthen their skills and foster a growth mindset.

  2. Hi Adriana,

    Great post! Thanks for mentioning the amazing resource Good Questions by Marian Small. I used this book during my placement as my associate teacher had it and I absolutely love this resource. It has great open questions which I used in my placement for group questions as well as station work. I highly recommend it! You focused a lot on differentiating instruction which I believe is a very important concept as well. In the classroom, you have students of a variety of abilities so differentiating is a great way to cater to these. Providing them options with parallel tasks and open ended questions allows them to work at their level while challenging themselves as well.


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